Your Selections

You chose these five possibilities as “some of the ones I would like to look at for six hours a day” from the site overall:

Then I proposed some others in a similar vein to the initial five. (And I’ve kept all those others at the bottom of this page for reference). From that second set, you selected these 11:

So I’ve arranged the 16 photos you chose into four sets, below, that I think go well together. I grouped them mostly based on color connections, which is not the only way to do it, so feel free to break them up and choose a different arrangement — I’m not wedded to this way of grouping or arranging them. And feel free to change your mind and add or substitute others, too, of course!


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Set 4



For reference, these are all the additional photos I proposed in response to your initial five choices and asked you to choose your favorites from: