For NAV — Startup Story: GlobalLogic

NAV, a venture capital firm, asked me to help them rebrand (they'd formed as a merger) and let entrepreneurs get a feel for whether NAV might be a fit for them as an investor. So I made:

  • Craft — an intro to the firm.
  • Five startup stories — each about a company NAV invested in. →
  • Seven partner profiles — through the words of their colleagues and the entrepreneurs.

I had interviewed many venture-backed startups as a Forrester analyst, worked at several before that, and become an entrepreneur myself when I started Upland, so I understood the startup world — not just the business but the emotional undercurrents. That helped me tell their stories and made this a really engaging project to me.

This is one of five startup stories about NAV portfolio companies:
EnerNOC • GlobalLogic • Massive • Mobile365 • Pontiflex